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How does the comments work? Explained


What if I put some code into the comment? Will it affect anything?

So I've been getting some messages from some guys putting messages like this:

But these things will only appear on your device and the picture I provided is what I see when getting these messages. All of them will only save on YOUR device, on Local Storage to be exact. You can make these kind of things on your device all you want but at the end of the day only I see your messages as the actual message and it wont affect literally anything. I am putting this out here because some one really did this.

How does the comment system exactly work?

If you publish anything on it, first of all it will send an email to me with the message with EmailJS and secondly, it will only save them on your device and if you put any script in it, it will affect only your device.

What if I send a link promoting my own stuff?

The links will be automatically removed from the final message with a bit of code.

What about spamming?

Not too hard to ignore and delete a bit of messages [:

If you have anymore questions, please send them in the comments tab, that's all! Enough of writing...